EVENT CANCELLED BECAUSE OF LOW SIGNUP - We will let you know when a new date has been confirmed
Help us design future social care services - local healthwatch is about to start in Portsmouth - giving a stronger voice in the way care is provided in our city.
We want to talk to social care students, professionals and others about the main issues facing social care locally and what can be done to tackle them. Invited are all social work students at the University along with Healthwatch members, voluntary organisations in Portsmouth and social care service users.
We will be joined by colleagues from adult social care and the Healthwatch team will be brainstorming possible solutions and finding ways that Healthwatch can be effective. Healthwatch will act as the local watchdog for care services in the city from April and will be able to raise its voice and be heard through its seat on decision making boards. This event is designed to let students and others have a go at designing future services and share any concerns they may have to inform the work of Healthwatch when it starts.
More information? Call 02392 688508 or email healthwatchportsmouth@gmail.com
For more information about Healthwatch please see our blog at: http://portsmouthhealthwatch.blogspot.co.uk/
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